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со всех языков на все языки

such individuals

  • 1 such

    A pron
    1 ( this) such is life c'est la vie ; she's a good singer and recognized as such c'est une bonne chanteuse et elle est reconnue comme telle ; she's talented and recognized as such elle a du talent et son talent est reconnu ; ⇒ as ;
    2 = suchlike.
    B det
    1 ( of kind previously mentioned) ( replicated) tel/telle ; ( similar) pareil/-eille ; ( of similar sort) de ce type (after n) ; such a situation une telle situation ; such individuals de tels individus ; in such a situation dans une situation pareille ; at such a time dans un moment pareil ; many such proposals de nombreuses propositions de ce type ; and other such arguments et autres arguments de ce type ; all such basic foods tous les aliments de base de ce type ; potatoes, bread and all such basic foods les pommes de terre, le pain et tous les autres aliments de base ; doctors, dentists and all such people les docteurs, les dentistes et toutes les personnes qui exercent ce type de métier ; a mouse or some such animal une souris ou un animal semblable ; he said ‘so what!’ or some such remark il a dit ‘et alors!’ ou quelque chose comme ça ; there was some such case last year il s'est produit la même chose l'année dernière ; there's no such person il/elle n'existe pas ; there was such a man I believe je crois que cet homme a existé ; there's no such thing ça n'existe pas ; I've never heard of such a thing je n'ai jamais entendu parler d'une chose pareille ; I didn't say any such thing je n'ai jamais dit une chose pareille ; you'll do no such thing! il n'en est pas question! ; I 've been waiting for just such an opportunity j'attendais justement que l'occasion se présente ;
    2 ( of specific kind) to be such that être tel/telle que ; my hours are such that I usually miss the last train mes horaires sont tels que je rate habituellement le dernier train ; his movements were such as to arouse suspicion il se conduisait de telle façon qu'il éveillait les soupçons ; in such a way that d'une telle façon que ;
    3 ( any possible) such money as I have le peu d'argent or tout l'argent que j'ai ; until such time as jusqu'à ce que (+ subj) ;
    4 ( so great) tel/telle ; there was such carnage! il y avait un tel carnage! ; to be having such problems avoir de tels problèmes ; such was his admiration/anger that son admiration/sa colère était telle que ; his fear was such that il avait tellement peur que ; to be in such despair/in such a rage être tellement désespéré/dans une telle colère ;
    5 iron (of such small worth, quantity) you can borrow my boots such as they are ces bottes ne sont pas géniales mais tu peux les emprunter ; we picked up the apples such as there were nous avons ramassé les rares pommes qu'il y avait par terre.
    C such as det phr, conj phr comme, tel/telle que ; such a house as this, a house such as this une maison comme celle-ci ; it was on just such a night as this that c'est par une nuit exactement comme celle-ci que ; such cities as or cities such as Manchester and Birmingham des villes telles que or comme Manchester et Birmingham ; a person such as her une personne comme elle ; such as? ( as response) gen quoi par exemple? ; ( referring to person) qui par exemple? ; there are no such things as giants les géants n'existent pas ; have you such a thing as a screwdriver? auriez-vous un tournevis par hasard? ; inflation such as occurred last year l'inflation telle qu'elle s'est manifestée l'année dernière.
    D adv
    1 ( to a great degree) ( with adjectives) si, tellement ; ( with nouns) tel/telle ; in such a persuasive way d'une façon si convaincante ; such a nice boy! un garçon si gentil!, un si gentil garçon! ; such excellent meals de si bons plats ; such good quality as this une telle qualité ; I hadn't seen such a good film for years je n'avais pas vu un aussi bon film depuis des années ; don't be such an idiot ne sois pas si stupide ; she's not such an idiot as she seems elle n'est pas aussi stupide que l'on croit ; only such an idiot (as him) would do il n'y a qu' un imbécile (comme lui) qui ferait ; it was such (a lot of) fun on s'est tellement amusé ; such a lot of problems tant de problèmes ; (ever ) such a lot of people beaucoup de gens ; thanks ever such a lot merci mille fois.

    Big English-French dictionary > such

  • 2 such

    [sʌtʃ] 1. 2.

    doctors, dentists and all such people — dottori, dentisti e gente del genere

    until such time asfino a quando o al momento in cui

    4) (so great) tale
    2) such as come, tale che

    such a house as this, a house such as this — una casa come questa

    such as? (as response) per esempio?

    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (of the same kind as that already mentioned or being mentioned: Animals that gnaw, such as mice, rats, rabbits and weasels are called rodents; He came from Bradford or some such place; She asked to see Mr Johnson but was told there was no such person there; I've seen several such buildings; I've never done such a thing before; doctors, dentists and such people.) come, simile, tale
    2) (of the great degree already mentioned or being mentioned: If you had telephoned her, she wouldn't have got into such a state of anxiety; She never used to get such bad headaches (as she does now).) tale, così
    3) (of the great degree, or the kind, to have a particular result: He shut the window with such force that the glass broke; She's such a good teacher that the headmaster asked her not to leave; Their problems are such as to make it impossible for them to live together any more.) tale, così
    4) (used for emphasis: This is such a shock! They have been such good friends to me!) tale, così
    2. pronoun
    (such a person or thing, or such persons or things: I have only a few photographs, but can show you such as I have; This isn't a good book as such (= as a book) but it has interesting pictures.) questo, tale
    - such-and-such
    - such as it is
    * * *
    [sʌtʃ] 1. 2.

    doctors, dentists and all such people — dottori, dentisti e gente del genere

    until such time asfino a quando o al momento in cui

    4) (so great) tale
    2) such as come, tale che

    such a house as this, a house such as this — una casa come questa

    such as? (as response) per esempio?

    English-Italian dictionary > such

  • 3 ta|ki

    (taka, takie, tacy) pron. 1. (z rzeczownikiem lub zamiast rzeczownika) such
    - taki samochód/takie zwierzę such a car/an animal
    - taka pogoda such weather
    - tacy osobnicy such individuals
    - nigdy o czymś takim nie słyszałem I’ve never heard of such a thing
    - dziewczyna taka, jak ty a girl like you
    - takie wartości jak prawda i miłość such values as truth and love
    - on nie jest taki, jak myślisz he’s not the kind of person you take him for a. you think he is
    - z ciebie taki sam znawca jak ze mnie iron. you’re no more of an expert than I am
    - naucz się akceptować świat takim, jaki on jest you must learn to accept the world as it is
    - sytuacja jest taka, że nikt nie może być pewnym jutra the situation is such that no one can be certain of tomorrow
    - jest taki mróz, że nie chce się wychodzić z domu it’s so cold that one doesn’t even want to go out
    - taki jak such as
    - duże miasta, takie jak (na przykład) Kraków i Wrocław large cities, such as Cracow and Wrocław
    - tacy to zawsze mają szczęście people like that are always lucky
    - w taki sposób this way
    - w taki sposób, że… in such a way a. manner that…
    - w taki czy inny sposób somehow or other, one way or another
    - coś takiego something like that
    - coś takiego niebieskiego something blue
    - coś takiego! (zdziwienie, oburzenie) well, well!; well, I never! przest.
    - jeden taki a. taki jeden pot. some guy pot.
    - kręciła się tu jedna taka some woman was hanging around here
    - jeden taki próbował, ale mu się nie udało some a. one guy did try, but he wasn’t successful
    2. (przed przymiotnikiem) so
    - taki miły/piękny so nice/beautiful
    - taki wspaniały widok such a magnificent view
    - on jest taki gruby/wysoki (z towarzyszącym gestem) he’s this fat/tall
    - dom jest duży, a takiego właśnie potrzebujemy the house is large, which is just what we need
    - jest taka ładna, jak dawniej she’s as pretty as ever
    - taki sam the same
    - dwie kobiety w takich samych sukienkach two women wearing the same dress
    - taki sam samochód jak mój the same car as mine
    3. (niedookreślony) to był taki żart it was just a joke
    - zwyczajna torba, taka papierowa an ordinary bag, a paper one
    - jakiś taki a. taki jakiś (nieswój) pot. out of sorts GB
    - była jakaś taka zakłopotana she was kind of embarrassed
    4. pot. (emfatyczne) a takiemu Adamowi niczego nie brak do szczęścia and someone like Adam doesn’t need anything a. has everything he needs
    - jest małoletni i jako taki nie może dziedziczyć domu he is a minor and as such he cannot inherit the house
    - taki a taki such and such; (osoba) so-and-so
    - pani taka a taka Ms so-and-so
    - takiego a takiego dnia, o takiej a takiej godzinie on such and such a day at such and such an hour
    - takie czy inne książki (różne) books of one sort or another
    - taki gips a. takie buty pot. so that’s how it is! a. the way it is! a. the way things are! pot.
    - taki owaki euf. so-and-so euf.
    - ty taki owaki/taka owaka! you so-and-so!
    - taki sobie pot. so-so, fair-to-middling
    - takiego! wulg. (z towarzyszącym gestem) (odmowa) up yours! wulg., get stuffed! GB wulg.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > ta|ki

  • 4 constituir un obstáculo

    (v.) = constitute + an obstacle
    Ex. Although the number of such individuals who actually require community information represents a minority of officials, this does not constitute an obstacle for the library.
    * * *
    (v.) = constitute + an obstacle

    Ex: Although the number of such individuals who actually require community information represents a minority of officials, this does not constitute an obstacle for the library.

    Spanish-English dictionary > constituir un obstáculo

  • 5 Ч-110

    К ЧЁРТУ1 (К ЧЕРТИМ, КО ВСЕМ ЧЕРТЯМ, К ЧЕРТИМ СОБАЧЬИМ) highly coll К ЧЁРТОВОЙ МАТЕРИ (БАБУШКЕ) highly coll, rude PrepP these forms only)
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т. п. кого \Ч-110. Also: К ЛЁШЕМУ highly coll
    К (КО ВСЕМ) СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude adv
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o. 's requests, claims, demands etc): tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell)
    throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
    Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. «Он тамотко (regional = там)», - робко прибавил Панкрат... «Гони его к чёртовой матери», — монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
    «Разрешите, мессир, его (Степу) выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?» (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him (Styopa) the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) \Ч-110 ! иди (пошёл, убирайся и т. п.) \Ч-110 ! Also: К ЛЁШЕМУ highly coll
    К (КО ВСЕМ) СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude К ЛЙДУ substand, rude adv
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.: to (the) hell with you (him etc)!
    go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)! get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
    Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
    Женщина рассмеялась: «Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...», - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
    Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова ( ungrammat = отсюда) к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло» (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
    «Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь» (Достоевский 1). "Take three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, panie, you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. \Ч-110 (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЁШЕМУ highly coll
    Interj) used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.: damn it (him etc)! the (to) hell with this (him etc)! to the devil with this (him etc)!
    К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
    «К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!» (Федин 1). "То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т. п. —
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably
    the damn... (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens) (burst) into bits (into smithereens) (in limited contexts) shot to hell to hell and gone.
    formula phrase) used in response to «ни пуха ни пера», which is a wish for success or luck in sth.: I'll do my best! thanks! (See П-665.)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ч-110

  • 6 к лешему

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) к лешему !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. к лешему (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;
    [PrepP; these forms only; sent adv (parenth); used after interrog pronouns and adverbs (usu. какой, куда)]
    used to indicate or emphasize the rhetorical and/ or ironic nature of a statement:
    - what the hell kind of [NP] is this (is he etc);
    - some bloody [NP] he is (you are etc).
         ♦ "Какая, к черту, в Семидоле революция? Четыре маслобойки и одна мельница... Весь город пополз ко всенощной, к Покрову пресвятой богородицы" (Федин 1). "What the hell kind of revolution is there in Semidol? Four creameries and one windmill...The whole town's crept off to vespers, to the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin" (1a).
         ♦ [Зилов:] (Тычет пальцем в открытую дверь, через которую видна освещённая улица.) Что это?.. Разве это ночь? Ну? Светло как днём! Какая же это к чёрту ночь! (Вампилов 5). [Z.:](Points at open door, through which the brightly lit street can be seen.) What's that?...Call that night, do you? It's as bright as day! Some bloody night that! (5a).
         ♦ [1-й гость:] Какая тут, к нечистому, любовь, ежели с самого обеда ни рюмки? (Чехов 4). [context transl] [First Guest:] How the devil can I think of love when I haven't had a single glass of anything since dinner? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > к лешему

  • 7 к ляду

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) к ляду !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. к ляду (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > к ляду

  • 8 к свиньям

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) к свиньям !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. к свиньям (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > к свиньям

  • 9 к чертовой бабушке

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) к чертовой бабушке !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. к чертовой бабушке (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;
    [PrepP; these forms only; sent adv (parenth); used after interrog pronouns and adverbs (usu. какой, куда)]
    used to indicate or emphasize the rhetorical and/ or ironic nature of a statement:
    - what the hell kind of [NP] is this (is he etc);
    - some bloody [NP] he is (you are etc).
         ♦ "Какая, к черту, в Семидоле революция? Четыре маслобойки и одна мельница... Весь город пополз ко всенощной, к Покрову пресвятой богородицы" (Федин 1). "What the hell kind of revolution is there in Semidol? Four creameries and one windmill...The whole town's crept off to vespers, to the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin" (1a).
         ♦ [Зилов:] (Тычет пальцем в открытую дверь, через которую видна освещённая улица.) Что это?.. Разве это ночь? Ну? Светло как днём! Какая же это к чёрту ночь! (Вампилов 5). [Z.:](Points at open door, through which the brightly lit street can be seen.) What's that?...Call that night, do you? It's as bright as day! Some bloody night that! (5a).
         ♦ [1-й гость:] Какая тут, к нечистому, любовь, ежели с самого обеда ни рюмки? (Чехов 4). [context transl] [First Guest:] How the devil can I think of love when I haven't had a single glass of anything since dinner? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > к чертовой бабушке

  • 10 к чертовой матери

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) к чертовой матери !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. к чертовой матери (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;
    [PrepP; these forms only; sent adv (parenth); used after interrog pronouns and adverbs (usu. какой, куда)]
    used to indicate or emphasize the rhetorical and/ or ironic nature of a statement:
    - what the hell kind of [NP] is this (is he etc);
    - some bloody [NP] he is (you are etc).
         ♦ "Какая, к черту, в Семидоле революция? Четыре маслобойки и одна мельница... Весь город пополз ко всенощной, к Покрову пресвятой богородицы" (Федин 1). "What the hell kind of revolution is there in Semidol? Four creameries and one windmill...The whole town's crept off to vespers, to the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin" (1a).
         ♦ [Зилов:] (Тычет пальцем в открытую дверь, через которую видна освещённая улица.) Что это?.. Разве это ночь? Ну? Светло как днём! Какая же это к чёрту ночь! (Вампилов 5). [Z.:](Points at open door, through which the brightly lit street can be seen.) What's that?...Call that night, do you? It's as bright as day! Some bloody night that! (5a).
         ♦ [1-й гость:] Какая тут, к нечистому, любовь, ежели с самого обеда ни рюмки? (Чехов 4). [context transl] [First Guest:] How the devil can I think of love when I haven't had a single glass of anything since dinner? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > к чертовой матери

  • 11 к черту

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) к черту !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. к черту (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         ♦ К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;
    [PrepP; these forms only; sent adv (parenth); used after interrog pronouns and adverbs (usu. какой, куда)]
    used to indicate or emphasize the rhetorical and/ or ironic nature of a statement:
    - what the hell kind of [NP] is this (is he etc);
    - some bloody [NP] he is (you are etc).
         ♦ "Какая, к черту, в Семидоле революция? Четыре маслобойки и одна мельница... Весь город пополз ко всенощной, к Покрову пресвятой богородицы" (Федин 1). "What the hell kind of revolution is there in Semidol? Four creameries and one windmill...The whole town's crept off to vespers, to the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin" (1a).
         ♦ [Зилов:] (Тычет пальцем в открытую дверь, через которую видна освещённая улица.) Что это?.. Разве это ночь? Ну? Светло как днём! Какая же это к чёрту ночь! (Вампилов 5). [Z.:](Points at open door, through which the brightly lit street can be seen.) What's that?...Call that night, do you? It's as bright as day! Some bloody night that! (5a).
         ♦ [1-й гость:] Какая тут, к нечистому, любовь, ежели с самого обеда ни рюмки? (Чехов 4). [context transl] [First Guest:] How the devil can I think of love when I haven't had a single glass of anything since dinner? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > к черту

  • 12 к чертям

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) к чертям !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. к чертям (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;
    [PrepP; these forms only; sent adv (parenth); used after interrog pronouns and adverbs (usu. какой, куда)]
    used to indicate or emphasize the rhetorical and/ or ironic nature of a statement:
    - what the hell kind of [NP] is this (is he etc);
    - some bloody [NP] he is (you are etc).
         ♦ "Какая, к черту, в Семидоле революция? Четыре маслобойки и одна мельница... Весь город пополз ко всенощной, к Покрову пресвятой богородицы" (Федин 1). "What the hell kind of revolution is there in Semidol? Four creameries and one windmill...The whole town's crept off to vespers, to the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin" (1a).
         ♦ [Зилов:] (Тычет пальцем в открытую дверь, через которую видна освещённая улица.) Что это?.. Разве это ночь? Ну? Светло как днём! Какая же это к чёрту ночь! (Вампилов 5). [Z.:](Points at open door, through which the brightly lit street can be seen.) What's that?...Call that night, do you? It's as bright as day! Some bloody night that! (5a).
         ♦ [1-й гость:] Какая тут, к нечистому, любовь, ежели с самого обеда ни рюмки? (Чехов 4). [context transl] [First Guest:] How the devil can I think of love when I haven't had a single glass of anything since dinner? (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > к чертям

  • 13 к чертям собачьим

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) к чертям собачьим !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. к чертям собачьим (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > к чертям собачьим

  • 14 ко всем свиньям

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) ко всем свиньям !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. ко всем свиньям (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ко всем свиньям

  • 15 ко всем чертям

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. послать, выгнать, вышвырнуть и т.п. кого Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude [adv]
    to send s.o. away or drive s.o. out rudely (often when rejecting s.o.'s requests, claims, demands etc):
    - tell s.o. to go to the devil (to hell);
    - throw (kick) s.o. the hell out (of some place).
         ♦ Панкрат... явился в кабинет и вручил Персикову великолепнейшую атласную визитную карточку. "Он тамотко [regional = там]", - робко прибавил Панкрат... "Гони его к чёртовой матери", - монотонно сказал Персиков и смахнул карточку под стол (Булгаков 10)....Pankrat entered the office and handed Persikov a magnificent satiny calling card. "He's out there," Pankrat added timidly...."Tell him to go to hell," Persikov said in a monotone, and he threw the card under the table (10b).
         ♦ "Разрешите, мессир, его [Степу] выкинуть ко всем чертям из Москвы?" (Булгаков 9). "Permit me, Messire, to throw him [Styopa] the hell out of Moscow?" (9a).
    2. ну тебя (его и т. п) ко всем чертям !; иди <пошёл, убирайся и т.п.> - ! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll; К < КО ВСЕМ> СВИНЬЯМ substand, rude; К ЛЯДУ substand, rude [adv]
    used to express irritation, anger, contempt directed at s.o. or sth., a desire to be rid of s.o. or sth.:
    - to (the) hell with you (him etc)!;
    - go (let him etc go) to (bloody) hell (to the devil)!;
    - get (let him etc get) the hell out of here!
         ♦ Разговоры на тему о психике таких индивидов, как Хозяин и Хряк, беспредметны... Да ну их к чёртовой матери! Кто они такие, чтобы забивать свою голову их жалкими персонами? (Зиновьев 1). Conversations about the psyche of such individuals as the Boss and Hog are conversations without a subject....The hell with them all! Who are they anyway, that we should be bothering our heads with their miserable personas! (1a).
         ♦ Женщина рассмеялась: "Да ну тебя к лешему, скаред! Я пошутила...", - и пошла вниз (Булгаков 9). The woman laughed. "Oh, go to hell, you old miser! I was only joking." And she went on downstairs (9b).
         ♦ "Слушай, дед... иди-ка ты отсюдова [ungrammat = отсюда] к чёртовой матери. Я этими байками сыт по горло" (Максимов 3). "Listen, Grandpa, why don't you go to bloody hell. I'm fed up to the teeth with your bedtime stories" (3a).
         ♦ "Бери три тысячи и убирайся ко всем чертям, да и Врублевского с собой захвати - слышишь это? Но сейчас же, сию же минуту, и это навеки, понимаешь, пане, навеки вот в эту самую дверь и выйдешь" (Достоевский 1). "Tbke three thousand and go to the devil, and don't forget Vrublevsky-do you hear? But now, this minute, and forever, do you understand, paniey you'll walk out this door forever" (1a).
    3. ко всем чертям (кого-что)! Also: К ЛЕШЕМУ highly coll [Interj]
    used to express protest, a complete rejection of s.o. or sth.:
    - damn it (him etc)!;
    - the (to) hell with this (him etc)!;
    - to the devil with this (him etc)!
         К чёрту! К чёртовой матери! Я не могу позволить им убить себя. Я должен жить (Аржак 1). Damn it! То hell with it! I couldn't let them kill me! I must live (1a).
         ♦ "К чёрту музей, к чёрту Карла Эберсокса, я хочу на воздух, на солнце!" (Федин 1). " То the devil with the museum, to the devil with Karl Ebersocks, I want air, sunshine!" (1a).
    4. взорвать что, взорваться, разлететься, развалиться и т.п. - [adv]
    (to blow up, collapse, be ruined etc) completely, irretrievably:
    - the damn...;
    - (blow (smash) sth.) to bits (to smithereens);
    - [in limited contexts] shot to hell;
    - to hell and gone.
    5. [formula phrase]
    used in response to " ни пуха ни пера", which is a wish for success or luck in sth.:
    - I'll do my best!;

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ко всем чертям

  • 16 более тесное сотрудничество

    Более тесное сотрудничество-- Professor L. calls for closer cooperation among such individuals as PVRC researchers in this country and their counterparts at the Welding Institute.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > более тесное сотрудничество

  • 17 Application Compatibility Toolkit

    "A suite of tools that enables software developers, independent software vendors (ISVs), and enterprise IT professionals to determine whether their applications are compatible with a new version of Windows before rolling it out to the company. ACT also enables such individuals to determine how Windows security updates may impact their applications."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Application Compatibility Toolkit

  • 18 porquería

    1 filthy thing, crud, mess, filth.
    2 piggishness.
    3 filthy act.
    4 crap, unwanted items.
    * * *
    1 (suciedad) dirt, filth
    2 (mala calidad) rubbish
    ¡vaya una porquería de coche se ha comprado! what a pathetic car she's bought!
    1 familiar (chucherías) rubbish, junk food
    2 familiar (obscenidades - palabrotas) swearwords; (- actos) disgusting behaviour
    ¡no digas esas porquerías! don't use such filthy language!
    * * *
    1) (=suciedad) dirt, muck *

    ¿qué es toda esta porquería que hay el suelo? — what's all this dirt o muck on the floor?

    2) (=guarrada)
    3) (=indecencia)
    4) (=cosa de poca calidad) junk *, rubbish *, garbage (EEUU) *

    si comes tantas porquerías, luego no vas a cenar — if you eat all that junk o rubbish now you won't want your dinner *

    5) (=poco dinero) pittance
    6) (=mala pasada)

    ¡vaya porquería te han hecho despidiéndote así! — what a lousy thing they did to you, sacking you like that! *


    de porquería LAm * (=condenado) lousy *

    * * *
    a) ( suciedad) dirt
    b) ( cochinada)

    no hagas porqueríasdon't do disgusting o filthy things like that

    la casa está hecha una porquería — (fam) the house is in such a state (colloq)


    el libro es un porqueríathe movie's a piece of junk o (BrE colloq) the book's a load of rubbish


    de porquería — (AmS fam) lousy (colloq)

    * * *
    = rubbish, schlock, shit, garbage, dud.
    Ex. Science fiction may be so obviously rubbish that one is tempted to dismiss the whole product as rubbish.
    Ex. Adolescents should be allowed such pleasant means of escaping reality and there's no reason why libraries can't accommodate a little schlock.
    Ex. Until your skin gets use to it, it will itch but non-scented talcum powder will help, just make sure you don't inhale any of that shit.
    Ex. Some individuals are satisfied with a 50% 'hit' rate because they feel they can more quickly weed out the ' garbage' than they could compile the needed bibliography by hand.
    Ex. It may be tempting the weather gods just to point this out, but this has been a dud of a hurricane season so far.
    * * *
    a) ( suciedad) dirt
    b) ( cochinada)

    no hagas porqueríasdon't do disgusting o filthy things like that

    la casa está hecha una porquería — (fam) the house is in such a state (colloq)


    el libro es un porqueríathe movie's a piece of junk o (BrE colloq) the book's a load of rubbish


    de porquería — (AmS fam) lousy (colloq)

    * * *
    = rubbish, schlock, shit, garbage, dud.

    Ex: Science fiction may be so obviously rubbish that one is tempted to dismiss the whole product as rubbish.

    Ex: Adolescents should be allowed such pleasant means of escaping reality and there's no reason why libraries can't accommodate a little schlock.
    Ex: Until your skin gets use to it, it will itch but non-scented talcum powder will help, just make sure you don't inhale any of that shit.
    Ex: Some individuals are satisfied with a 50% 'hit' rate because they feel they can more quickly weed out the ' garbage' than they could compile the needed bibliography by hand.
    Ex: It may be tempting the weather gods just to point this out, but this has been a dud of a hurricane season so far.

    * * *
    1 (suciedad) dirt
    hay tanta porquería que no sé por dónde empezar a limpiar it's so filthy o there's so much dirt everywhere I don't know where to begin cleaning
    (cochinada): no hagas porquerías en la mesa don't do disgusting o filthy things like that at the table
    siempre deja la cocina hecha una porquería ( fam); she always leaves the kitchen in such a state ( colloq)
    me hizo una porquería he played a dirty trick on me
    3 (palabrota) swearword
    no digas esas porquerías don't use such bad language
    (cosa de mala calidad): lo que me regaló fue una porquería he gave me a really trashy gift, he gave me a really rubbishy present ( BrE)
    tiene la casa llena de porquerías her house is full of junk ( colloq)
    la película es una porquería the movie's a piece of junk, the film's a load of rubbish ( BrE colloq)
    la comida es una porquería the food is dreadful o terrible
    de porquería ( AmS fam); lousy ( colloq)
    un hotel de porquería a lousy o crummy hotel ( colloq)
    ¡qué tiempo de porquería! what foul o lousy weather!
    ¡cómo me duele este diente de porquería! this damn tooth is killing me ( colloq)
    me regaló unas tazas de porquería she gave me some crummy o lousy cups ( colloq)
    (chuchería): no te comas esa porquería/esas porquerías don't eat that junk o ( BrE) that rubbish
    * * *

    porquería sustantivo femenino

    b) ( cochinada):

    no hagas porquerías don't do disgusting o filthy things like that;

    la casa está hecha una porquería (fam) the house is in such a state (colloq)
    2 ( cosa de mala calidad):

    la comida es una porquería the food is dreadful o terrible
    porquería sustantivo femenino
    1 (mugre, suciedad) dirt, filth: la porquería se acumulaba en las calles, the rubbish piled up in the streets
    2 (birria) rubbish
    3 fam (chuchería, golosina) rubbish, US junk food
    ' porquería' also found in these entries:
    - chanchada
    - guarrada
    - filth
    - rubbish
    - trash
    - garbage
    - load
    - loss
    - old
    - trashy
    * * *
    1. [suciedad] filth;
    la habitación está llena de porquería the room is absolutely filthy
    2. Fam [cosa de mala calidad] Br rubbish, US garbage;
    es una porquería de libro the book is Br rubbish o US garbage;
    una porquería de moto a useless bike;
    ¡qué porquería de música escuchas! that music you listen to is a load of Br rubbish o US garbage!
    porquerías [comida] Br rubbish, US garbage
    4. [grosería] vulgarity
    de porquería loc adj
    Andes, RP lousy, useless;
    una moto de porquería a useless bike;
    da unas clases de porquería his classes are lousy o useless;
    son unos usureros de porquería they're a bunch of lousy loan sharks
    * * *
    1 ( suciedad) filth
    2 fam
    cosa de poca calidad piece of trash fam
    * * *
    1) suciedad: dirt, filth
    2) : nastiness, vulgarity
    3) : worthless thing, trifle
    4) : junk food
    * * *
    1. (suciedad) filth
    2. (basura) rubbish
    3. (comida mala) junk food

    Spanish-English dictionary > porquería

  • 19 estúpido

    1 stupid, foolish, dumb, empty-headed.
    2 stupid, foolish, inane, dumb.
    stupid, nitwit, fathead, numbskull.
    * * *
    1 stupid, silly
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 berk, idiot
    * * *
    1. (f. - estúpida)
    2. (f. - estúpida)
    noun f.
    * * *
    estúpido, -a
    ADJ stupid
    SM / F idiot
    * * *
    - da adjetivo <persona/argumento> stupid, silly

    ay, qué estúpida soy! — oh, how stupid of me!

    - da masculino, femenino idiot, fool
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], dummy, foolish, silly, mindless, moron, stupid, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], mad, dumb [dumber -comp., dumbest -sup.], nuts, witless, bonehead, boneheaded, twit, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, cretinous, arsehole [asshole, -USA], brainless, dimwit, dim-witted [dimwitted], twat, nonsensical, mug, berk, prick, cretin, dumbbell, dull-witted, asinine, lemon, ditsy [ditsier -comp., ditsiest -sup.], dits, ditz, ditzy [ditzier -comp., ditziest -sup.], airhead, airheaded, duffer, schmuck, schmo, nonce, moke, twerp, dweeb, chump, birdbrained, birdbrain, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, dork, moonstruck, plonker.
    Ex. Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.
    Ex. We are too prone to be dummy people by day, and thinking, articulate individuals only in the safety of home and leisure.
    Ex. It would be uneconomic and foolish to persevere with human assignment of controlled-language terms.
    Ex. In conclusion, I am sure you all believe me to be either idealistic, unrealistic, radical, or just plain silly.
    Ex. By this later period pressmen in England were despised as mere 'horses', the 'great guzzlers of beer' who were rebuked by the young Benjamin Franklin for their mindless intemperance.
    Ex. This thesaurus contains a number of wretched, insensitive cross-references, like from Dumb to DEAF, and from Feeble minded, Imbecility, and morons to MENTALLY HANDICAPPED.
    Ex. When any librarian is trying to find material on behalf of a user from a poor citation it leads to that librarian appearing slow and stupid to the user.
    Ex. Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex. When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex. Techniques such as the automatic detection of anaphora enable systems to appear to be intelligent rather than dumb.
    Ex. I think some people would think my approach is nuts.
    Ex. She refutes the idea of the women's magazine as a 'mouthpiece of masculine interest, of patriarchy and commercialism' that preyed on 'passive, dependent, and witless' women readers.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.
    Ex. That was a big boneheaded error.
    Ex. Democracy's a nice idea in theory, if it wasn't for all the twits.
    Ex. Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex. The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex. The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex. It is already evident that he is a cretinous buffoon.
    Ex. Modern preppies try to be assholes, probably because they think it's cool, and never quite make it.
    Ex. From that point on, the film is not only stupid, it's dim-witted, brainless and obtuse to the point of being insulting to the audience.
    Ex. The diplomats have been calling him a lucky dimwit ever since.
    Ex. From that point on, the film is not only stupid, it's dim-witted, brainless and obtuse to the point of being insulting to the audience.
    Ex. I don't really care if he does like real ale, even if his arse was hung with diamonds he would still be a twat.
    Ex. Parental protectiveness of children is surely a good thing if sensibly applied, but this nonsensical double standard doesn't help anyone.
    Ex. By this time, firecrackers and fireworks were being let off willy-nilly in the streets by any mug with a match.
    Ex. And before some berk starts whittling on about anti-car lobbies, we should all be lobbying for less car use if we've got any interest whatsoever in the future.
    Ex. Steve knows that he is a 'showboat, a little bit of a prick,' but he also knows that it's too late for a man in his fifties to change.
    Ex. Cretin is a word derived from an 18th century Swiss-French word meaning Christian.
    Ex. The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.
    Ex. An army without culture is a dull-witted army, and a dull-witted army cannot defeat the enemy.
    Ex. This chapter is dedicated to the truly asinine rules -- ones which either defeat their own purpose altogether or are completely devoid of common sense.
    Ex. The court also heard the victim's brother accuse the defendant of physical abuse and of calling him a ' lemon and a retard'.
    Ex. If there is a stereo type for ditsy blondes she really has gone out of her way to fit it perfectly.
    Ex. But then again, there are thousands of such ditses out there that need mental help.
    Ex. She might be a ditz, you can do that with the money she makes, if she wasn't so rich she'd be just another ditzy broad.
    Ex. She might be a ditz, you can do that with the money she makes, if she wasn't so rich she'd be just another ditzy broad.
    Ex. Some people like airheads with fake boobs.
    Ex. She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.
    Ex. Plus, no matter what she did to stop people from picking on her she always ended up being called a duffer.
    Ex. Schmuck entered English as a borrowed word from Yiddish, where it is an obscene term literally meaning a foreskin or head of a penis, and an insult.
    Ex. This team of schmoes is capable of anything.
    Ex. Justin, whilst clearly a nonce, is to be commended on instigating a high-profile campaign to free the hostages.
    Ex. States know better what their own citizens needs are than do the mokes in Washington.
    Ex. He started life as a twerp, then fairly quickly became a jerk and ended up an old sourpuss.
    Ex. For this reason, I will probably not vote in the London mayoral election at all and this doesn't make me a whinging negativist dweeb.
    Ex. Americans are such chumps, because we refuse to see what is going on right in front of our eyes.
    Ex. She has her own birdbrained way of thinking about things, but most of what she says is vaguely prophetic.
    Ex. I am thinking humans can be such birdbrains when it comes to communication.
    Ex. Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex. I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex. And then we get nongs like Joe here who just cant help himself from being a dork.
    Ex. ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    Ex. If she'd been my daughter in fact I'd never have let her go out with an obvious plonker like myself.
    * algo estúpido = no-brainer.
    * como un estúpido = stupidly.
    * hacerse el estúpido = dumb down, act + dumb.
    * lo suficientemente estúpido como para = dumb enough to.
    * rubia estúpida = dumb blonde.
    * ser estúpido = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * típica rubia estúpida = bimbo.
    * volverse estúpido = go off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo <persona/argumento> stupid, silly

    ay, qué estúpida soy! — oh, how stupid of me!

    - da masculino, femenino idiot, fool
    * * *
    = crazy [crazier -comp., craziest -sup.], dummy, foolish, silly, mindless, moron, stupid, daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.], mad, dumb [dumber -comp., dumbest -sup.], nuts, witless, bonehead, boneheaded, twit, dolally tap, dolally [do-lally], imbecile, cretinous, arsehole [asshole, -USA], brainless, dimwit, dim-witted [dimwitted], twat, nonsensical, mug, berk, prick, cretin, dumbbell, dull-witted, asinine, lemon, ditsy [ditsier -comp., ditsiest -sup.], dits, ditz, ditzy [ditzier -comp., ditziest -sup.], airhead, airheaded, duffer, schmuck, schmo, nonce, moke, twerp, dweeb, chump, birdbrained, birdbrain, off + Posesivo + knocker, off + Posesivo + rocker, dork, moonstruck, plonker.

    Ex: Lest it appear that Ms Marshall's committee and a few others of us, notoriously associated with that kind of work, are little more than crazy, fire-breathing radicals, let me add this gloss immediately.

    Ex: We are too prone to be dummy people by day, and thinking, articulate individuals only in the safety of home and leisure.
    Ex: It would be uneconomic and foolish to persevere with human assignment of controlled-language terms.
    Ex: In conclusion, I am sure you all believe me to be either idealistic, unrealistic, radical, or just plain silly.
    Ex: By this later period pressmen in England were despised as mere 'horses', the 'great guzzlers of beer' who were rebuked by the young Benjamin Franklin for their mindless intemperance.
    Ex: This thesaurus contains a number of wretched, insensitive cross-references, like from Dumb to DEAF, and from Feeble minded, Imbecility, and morons to MENTALLY HANDICAPPED.
    Ex: When any librarian is trying to find material on behalf of a user from a poor citation it leads to that librarian appearing slow and stupid to the user.
    Ex: Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.
    Ex: When J D Brown allowed the public of Islington to have open access to the books in the 1890s he was regarded by many of his colleagues as mad!.
    Ex: Techniques such as the automatic detection of anaphora enable systems to appear to be intelligent rather than dumb.
    Ex: I think some people would think my approach is nuts.
    Ex: She refutes the idea of the women's magazine as a 'mouthpiece of masculine interest, of patriarchy and commercialism' that preyed on 'passive, dependent, and witless' women readers.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.
    Ex: That was a big boneheaded error.
    Ex: Democracy's a nice idea in theory, if it wasn't for all the twits.
    Ex: Now I know this country of ours is totally dolally tap!.
    Ex: The server has gone dolally by the looks of it.
    Ex: The same evil is done in slaving, tormenting and killing, say, chimpanzees as is done in so injuring human imbeciles.
    Ex: It is already evident that he is a cretinous buffoon.
    Ex: Modern preppies try to be assholes, probably because they think it's cool, and never quite make it.
    Ex: From that point on, the film is not only stupid, it's dim-witted, brainless and obtuse to the point of being insulting to the audience.
    Ex: The diplomats have been calling him a lucky dimwit ever since.
    Ex: From that point on, the film is not only stupid, it's dim-witted, brainless and obtuse to the point of being insulting to the audience.
    Ex: I don't really care if he does like real ale, even if his arse was hung with diamonds he would still be a twat.
    Ex: Parental protectiveness of children is surely a good thing if sensibly applied, but this nonsensical double standard doesn't help anyone.
    Ex: By this time, firecrackers and fireworks were being let off willy-nilly in the streets by any mug with a match.
    Ex: And before some berk starts whittling on about anti-car lobbies, we should all be lobbying for less car use if we've got any interest whatsoever in the future.
    Ex: Steve knows that he is a 'showboat, a little bit of a prick,' but he also knows that it's too late for a man in his fifties to change.
    Ex: Cretin is a word derived from an 18th century Swiss-French word meaning Christian.
    Ex: The Wizard, played by Joel Grey, is a smooth-talking dumbbell who admits he is 'a corn-fed hick' and 'one of your dime-a-dozen mediocrities'.
    Ex: An army without culture is a dull-witted army, and a dull-witted army cannot defeat the enemy.
    Ex: This chapter is dedicated to the truly asinine rules -- ones which either defeat their own purpose altogether or are completely devoid of common sense.
    Ex: The court also heard the victim's brother accuse the defendant of physical abuse and of calling him a ' lemon and a retard'.
    Ex: If there is a stereo type for ditsy blondes she really has gone out of her way to fit it perfectly.
    Ex: But then again, there are thousands of such ditses out there that need mental help.
    Ex: She might be a ditz, you can do that with the money she makes, if she wasn't so rich she'd be just another ditzy broad.
    Ex: She might be a ditz, you can do that with the money she makes, if she wasn't so rich she'd be just another ditzy broad.
    Ex: Some people like airheads with fake boobs.
    Ex: She's just an airheaded bimbo, with an endless capacity to push aside unpleasant realities in favor of her more satisfying interests: young men and jewels.
    Ex: Plus, no matter what she did to stop people from picking on her she always ended up being called a duffer.
    Ex: Schmuck entered English as a borrowed word from Yiddish, where it is an obscene term literally meaning a foreskin or head of a penis, and an insult.
    Ex: This team of schmoes is capable of anything.
    Ex: Justin, whilst clearly a nonce, is to be commended on instigating a high-profile campaign to free the hostages.
    Ex: States know better what their own citizens needs are than do the mokes in Washington.
    Ex: He started life as a twerp, then fairly quickly became a jerk and ended up an old sourpuss.
    Ex: For this reason, I will probably not vote in the London mayoral election at all and this doesn't make me a whinging negativist dweeb.
    Ex: Americans are such chumps, because we refuse to see what is going on right in front of our eyes.
    Ex: She has her own birdbrained way of thinking about things, but most of what she says is vaguely prophetic.
    Ex: I am thinking humans can be such birdbrains when it comes to communication.
    Ex: Every firearm hast its pros and cons and anyone who tells you otherwise is off their knocker.
    Ex: I find it fascinating how Bradley can be perfectly reasonable one moment, and off his rocker the next.
    Ex: And then we get nongs like Joe here who just cant help himself from being a dork.
    Ex: ' Moonstruck' has all the fun of movies about weddings: a reluctant groom, an overeager bride, and an emotionally distraught family.
    Ex: If she'd been my daughter in fact I'd never have let her go out with an obvious plonker like myself.
    * algo estúpido = no-brainer.
    * como un estúpido = stupidly.
    * hacerse el estúpido = dumb down, act + dumb.
    * lo suficientemente estúpido como para = dumb enough to.
    * rubia estúpida = dumb blonde.
    * ser estúpido = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * típica rubia estúpida = bimbo.
    * volverse estúpido = go off + Posesivo + rocker.

    * * *
    estúpido1 -da
    ‹persona› stupid; ‹argumento› stupid, silly
    ay, qué estúpida, me equivoqué oh, how stupid of me, I've done it wrong
    un gasto estúpido a stupid waste of money
    es estúpido que vayamos las dos it's silly o stupid for us both to go
    estúpido2 -da
    masculine, feminine
    idiot, fool
    el estúpido de mi hermano my stupid brother
    * * *


    ◊ -da adjetivo ‹ persona stupid;

    argumento stupid, silly;
    ¡ay, qué estúpida soy! oh, how stupid of me!

    ■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
    idiot, fool
    I adjetivo stupid
    II sustantivo masculino y femenino idiot

    ' estúpido' also found in these entries:
    - burro
    - estúpida
    - animal
    - apendejarse
    - baboso
    - caballo
    - el
    - embromar
    - gafo
    - huevón
    - pendejo
    - believe
    - bit
    - bonehead
    - bozo
    - damn
    - dopey
    - equally
    - foolish
    - goof
    - idiotic
    - mindless
    - obtuse
    - pretty
    - shame
    - soft
    - stupid
    - that
    - wonder
    - inane
    - jerk
    * * *
    estúpido, -a
    ¡qué estúpido soy! me he vuelto a olvidar what an idiot I am! I've gone and forgotten again;
    sería estúpido no reconocerlo it would be foolish not to admit it
    el estúpido de mi vecino my idiot of a neighbour
    * * *
    I adj stupid
    II m, estúpida f idiot
    * * *
    estúpido, -da adj
    : stupid
    estúpido, -da n
    idiota: idiot, fool
    * * *
    estúpido1 adj stupid [comp. stupider; superl. stupidest]
    estúpido2 n stupid person / idiot

    Spanish-English dictionary > estúpido

  • 20 una gran cantidad de

    = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of
    Ex. There is a good deal of scope for users and novice cataloguers to find difficulty in identifying the appropriate heading for many of the works which are the responsibility of corporate bodies.
    Ex. As earlier sections amply demonstrate, there is a great deal of choice with regards to data bases.
    Ex. The floor is carpeted, thus providing a large degree of acoustic absorption and a unifying and dominant colour pattern through the library.
    Ex. Flaws are emphasized and frequent comparisons made with similar tools, but these are often buried in a mass of minutiae.
    Ex. A good thesaurus is not necessarily one that has been published with a plethora of effective relationship displays.
    Ex. If your library has decided to operate this way, there will be a supply of preprinted labels at the circulation desk.
    Ex. This 15 page report has a vast amount of valuable information between its covers derived from a variety of sources.
    Ex. This article outlines the preparatory stages and describes some of the problems presented by the physical conditions in a city of tents either drenched by rain or smothered by dust = Este artículo esboza las etapas preparatorias y describe algunos de los problemas que presentan las condiciones físicas de una gran cantidad de tiendas de campaña empapadas por la lluvia o cubiertas por el polvo.
    Ex. Such reports often make available a wealth of factual and statistical information which is not published elsewhere in such detail.
    Ex. In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex. Managers, overwhelmed by a cascade of documents, tend to turn away from print.
    Ex. The UK government will need to mobilize an 'army' of 30,000 civil servants to solve the Year 2000 problem.
    Ex. A good many heavily gilt retailers' bindings (such as the small English devotional books that were sold in large numbers from the 1560s until the later seventeenth century) were indeed intended to look expensive while really being cheaply executed.
    Ex. A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
    Ex. Environmental organization receive a great number of public enquiries by phone and letter.
    Ex. In the midst of an industrialized and bureaucratized society made up of multitudes of people we live separate lives = En medio de una sociedad industrializada y burocratizada compuesta de una gran cantidad de gente, vivimos vidas distintas.
    Ex. Popular authors receive scores, in some cases hundreds, of letters a year from their young readers and every correspondent, I am quite sure, wants a reply.
    Ex. There is a host of legislative, political, financial, consumer, and other reports of individuals and corporate bodies.
    Ex. Basically, the book deals with a vast corpus of oral tradition, including both prose and poetic texts.
    Ex. If you want to buy a spit roaster beware; a whole host of illegal spit roasters are now on the market in the UK.
    * * *
    = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of

    Ex: There is a good deal of scope for users and novice cataloguers to find difficulty in identifying the appropriate heading for many of the works which are the responsibility of corporate bodies.

    Ex: As earlier sections amply demonstrate, there is a great deal of choice with regards to data bases.
    Ex: The floor is carpeted, thus providing a large degree of acoustic absorption and a unifying and dominant colour pattern through the library.
    Ex: Flaws are emphasized and frequent comparisons made with similar tools, but these are often buried in a mass of minutiae.
    Ex: A good thesaurus is not necessarily one that has been published with a plethora of effective relationship displays.
    Ex: If your library has decided to operate this way, there will be a supply of preprinted labels at the circulation desk.
    Ex: This 15 page report has a vast amount of valuable information between its covers derived from a variety of sources.
    Ex: This article outlines the preparatory stages and describes some of the problems presented by the physical conditions in a city of tents either drenched by rain or smothered by dust = Este artículo esboza las etapas preparatorias y describe algunos de los problemas que presentan las condiciones físicas de una gran cantidad de tiendas de campaña empapadas por la lluvia o cubiertas por el polvo.
    Ex: Such reports often make available a wealth of factual and statistical information which is not published elsewhere in such detail.
    Ex: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.
    Ex: Managers, overwhelmed by a cascade of documents, tend to turn away from print.
    Ex: The UK government will need to mobilize an 'army' of 30,000 civil servants to solve the Year 2000 problem.
    Ex: A good many heavily gilt retailers' bindings (such as the small English devotional books that were sold in large numbers from the 1560s until the later seventeenth century) were indeed intended to look expensive while really being cheaply executed.
    Ex: A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.
    Ex: Environmental organization receive a great number of public enquiries by phone and letter.
    Ex: In the midst of an industrialized and bureaucratized society made up of multitudes of people we live separate lives = En medio de una sociedad industrializada y burocratizada compuesta de una gran cantidad de gente, vivimos vidas distintas.
    Ex: Popular authors receive scores, in some cases hundreds, of letters a year from their young readers and every correspondent, I am quite sure, wants a reply.
    Ex: There is a host of legislative, political, financial, consumer, and other reports of individuals and corporate bodies.
    Ex: Basically, the book deals with a vast corpus of oral tradition, including both prose and poetic texts.
    Ex: If you want to buy a spit roaster beware; a whole host of illegal spit roasters are now on the market in the UK.

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См. также в других словарях:

  • such — W1S1 [sʌtʃ] determiner, predeterminer, pron [: Old English; Origin: swilc] 1.) of the same kind as the thing or person which has already been mentioned ▪ Such behavior is just not acceptable in this school. ▪ The rules make it quite clear what… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act — Full title Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Acronym IDEA Enacted by the 101st United States Congress …   Wikipedia

  • Individuals and groups assisting Jews during the Holocaust — This is a partial list of rescuers who helped Jewish people and others to escape from the Nazi Holocaust during World War II. The list is not exhaustive, concentrating on famous cases, or people who saved the lives of many potential victims. Yad… …   Wikipedia

  • Shewhart individuals control chart — Individuals and moving range control chart Originally proposed by Walter A. Shewhart Process observations Rational subgroup size n = 1 Measurement type Average quality characteristic per unit Quality characteristic type …   Wikipedia

  • Recognition of human individuals — involves physical recognition, such as visual, auditory, or behavior recognition.Recognition of acquaintancesFrom nearby, a human individual is mainly recognized by his or her face; individuals with prosopagnosia are unable to recognize the faces …   Wikipedia

  • List of individuals executed by the United States military — The military of the United States executed 160 soldiers and other members of the armed forces between 1942 and 1961 (these figures do not include German prisoners of war, war criminals and saboteurs executed by military authorities between 1942… …   Wikipedia

  • native American — native American, adj. a person born in the United States. [1835 45, Amer.] * * * ▪ indigenous peoples of Canada and United States Introduction also called  American Indian,  Amerindian,  Amerind,  Indian,  Aboriginal American,  or  First Nation… …   Universalium

  • Native American — Indian (def. 1). Usage. See Indian, Eskimo. * * * ▪ indigenous peoples of Canada and United States Introduction also called  American Indian,  Amerindian,  Amerind,  Indian,  Aboriginal A …   Universalium

  • United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… …   Universalium

  • Health and Disease — ▪ 2009 Introduction Food and Drug Safety.       In 2008 the contamination of infant formula and related dairy products with melamine in China led to widespread health problems in children, including urinary problems and possible renal tube… …   Universalium

  • heredity — /heuh red i tee/, n., pl. heredities. Biol. 1. the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offspring: it is dependent upon the segregation and recombination of genes during meiosis and fertilization and results in the genesis of a new… …   Universalium

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